05 September 2011

If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.

I realized.
I realized that maybe it is not a person we still love, after all this time, but the memory. The memory of all the great experiences, all the feelings we shared. After such a long time, it might not even be possible to start over.
Or do you still know this one person like you used to know her 2 years ago? Yes of course you know what he used to be like. But everyone changes with time, not completely but we do. So, I decided not to mourn about what happened between him and me anymore but be happy of the fact that I will always have the memories - which are a lot of good ones.
And maybe it is better for us right now to be "just" friends. Sometimes friendship is worth so much more than we think.

25 August 2011

you'll never leave where you are until you decide where you'd rather be

Listen to your heart. That's what everyone sais must be done.
But how can I distinguish from heart and mind? Certainly what I wish for, what I crave for lies in the heart. The mind however gives its reasons not to listen to the heart. And isn't it the mind who knows everything better, who speaks from experience?!
So, should I still listen to my heart when I'm aware that I could be hurt in the end?
For some time I've been wondering now where the real happiness is lying, in the heart or in the mind. Probably the true art lies in uniting the two of them. Listen to your heart, reasonably.

08 August 2011

life is the sum of all your choices

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

How do we see the difference? How can we know the right decision to make? And if we figured it out, where do we take the courage from?

There are things I know I COULD change.. but is it really the right thing to do? 
In my head, there are a thousand questions and I'm still looking for the answers. There are decisions to make which can change your whole life. But then again, I'm only 17, there will be enough time to worry about hard decisions... So why don't we just listen to our heart, do the decisions we think are the right ones, and if they turn out to be wrong: who cares? Everybody makes mistakes, right?

03 August 2011

pretty sucks

There's a competition going on where you can win one of the shirts of Pretty Sucks. And since I really like the shirts (especially this one) I thought I'm gonna participate ;)