17 July 2011

you leave me speechless

There are people who judge and people who don't... so, who do you prefer talking to about feelings?
Some things you just want to tell someone who you hardly know, who doesn't bother to tell anyone, who doesn't judge. Even more astounding is it when this person can read your mind, knows exactly what is inside of you but you don't want to let out...
However, Friday night was, as I mentionned, supposed to be the last night with M. But 5 minutes after he arrived he had to leave again! Some problems with the host family but I don't really know why... So we said goodbye, maybe forever, maybe just for some time. :) A bit later we went out to the "Liquid Lounge". We had a good time, waaay to long for I had to get up at 7.00 on Saturday. Meaning I had only 3 hours of sleep before we went to LOOOOONDON :)))
But anyway, the day already started great... We got to the train station in Worthing and who was standing on the same platform? M.
He took the same train in direction London as we, so we had a chance to say goodbye again, sober. "See you soon", that's what he said. I take it as a promise! ;)
Well, London. What can I say? It seriously left me speechless. We first went to Camden Town, where we spent 2 hours - waaay too little! ( Thanks God we're going back ;)) We had to walk through the pouring rain but I even enjoyed that! :)) Later we had time to shop (4 hours) all around Piccadilly Circus. I could have spent all my money in one day, seriously. But at the back of my head I always had the thought that we're going there for one week (OMG I'm so excited!), so I bought some things, but not too much. ;)) In the evening I was literally dead! For that reason I stayed home, watched some Grey's Anatomy and wen to bed really early.
Today I'll enjoy a lazy Sunday, going to watch a movie at a friends' place :)
First impressions of London are following!

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